Saturday, July 3, 2010

No, But If You Hum a Few Bars...

"Listen...the puppy is singing herself to sleep again."

"Mmmm," hubby mumbled, half asleep. "She'll quit in a minute."

It is a strange phenomenon, this "singing" our little girl does at bedtime. Every night when we put her in her kennel and turn off the lights we can hear her, adjusting to darkness, quiet. Now I know what some of you are thinking, but...before we go into the debate over animal cruelty and locking a puppy into  a "cage" let me just say this: we have kenneled our baby since she was eight weeks old. Her crate is her safe place--her den. When she needs a nap or just quiet time, it is her favorite spot. But I doth protest too much, me thinks...

Anyway back to her singing. CoCo has "sung" for the past several months. It's not a whine. It's not a whimper. It's not a mewling, a keening, or howl. It's more like the sound Gizmo, the Mogwai made in the movie, Gremlins. She starts as soon as the lights are out and the house is quiet. I guess you could say we have Ferberized her and she is self-soothing. I'm not really sure how long she sings. Most evenings, I fall asleep to her melody.

And...I admit that I find her singing remarkable. I'm in awe of her ability to calm and quiet herself. It's as if her singing helps her connect to the Source.  Me and my big ego--I have to constantly, consciously shew away my inner drama--that mental cacophony running non-stop inside my little mind. CoCo seems to know exactly what she needs. Like a baby sucking her thumb, she sings her way to her happy place and drifts off to sleep. Hers is a lullaby that soothes and comforts me, as well.

Come to think of it, I'm not sure why I haven't tried this myself. As we've already established, I come from a long line of singers, and we've all used music to connect us to our God. I often sing/chant during meditation and prayer. Why not try this at night to calm my spirit and return my biorhythms to their Source?  Maybe hubby would like to sing harmony...or not...

Actually this plan might land me in the dog house--or at least the spare bedroom. Anyone know "The Lullaby of Dog Way"?


  1. I really enjoy your blogs especially the ones about your dog. Is she a Skye Terrier? That's what we have and he sings in the car as we drive down the road.
    He is Ruth Sherman's dog, we got him last year when Ruthie didn't want him anymore. He is supposed to be a cairn terier, but I looked it up and cairn terriers are a blend of Skye terrier and scotch terrier. I guess he's a throw back. Joan

  2. Joan, actually, she's a Shih tzu-poo. She has some really odd personality traits, but she's just a sweetie.
